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  • form_type_sr-only Persons 12 manifestations 11 Places 9 Works 8 Organizations 5 Concepts 4 Events 3
  • authors_sr-only Carroll, Lewis 2 Edward Wadie Said 1 Graeber, David 1 Newt Gingrich 1 William R. Forstchen 1 mankiw 1
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    Found 40 results (contain 11 manifestations and 1 digital item ) , total pages 2.
    List of search results:
    1. Organization: Seuil
    2. Person: Catherine Malamoud
    3. Edward Wadie Said. Orientalism Manifestations of work:
      1. L'Orientalisme - L'Orient créé par l'Occident - France: Seuil, 2005.
      2. Şarkiyatçılık: Batı'nın Şark Anlayışları - Turkey: Metis Yayınları, 2010.
      3. Orientalism - United States of America: Pantheon Books, 1978.
    4. Organization: Pantheon Books
    5. Concept: Orientalism
    6. Place: United States of America
    7. Person: Edward Wadie Said
    8. bread and jam for frances Manifestation of work: bread and jam for frances
    9. Person: Fleming, Ian
    10. Place: Westport
    11. Organization: Evertype (Publishing)
    12. Place: Ireland
    13. Person: Henri Bué (1843-1929)
    14. Place: Paris
    15. Place: London
    16. Carroll, Lewis. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Manifestations of work:
      1. Les Aventures d'Alice au pays des merveilles - Westport: Evertype (Publishing), 2010.
      2. Alice's adventures in Wonderland. - New York: S. Gabriel Sons & Co., 1916.
      3. Alice's adventures in Wonderland - London: Macmillan.
    17. Carroll, Lewis. Through the Looking-Glass Manifestation of work: Through the Looking Glass - New York: Dover (Publishing), 2000.
    18. Place: New York
    19. Organization: Dover (Publishing)
    20. Person: Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898)